In the rapidly progressing world of Java development, ensuring top-tier quality and resilience of software has never been more crucial. Code coverage stands out as a pivotal metric in this arena, and the tool you pick can profoundly influence the trustworthiness of your software. Let’s deep dive into the top 5 Java code coverage tools […]
Automate Audit Fields in Spring Boot with MyBatis: A Generic Solution for CRUD Operations
In modern web applications, maintaining audit trails for data changes is crucial for tracking who made changes and when. If you’re building a Spring Boot application with REST APIs, using MyBatis for data persistence, and MSSQL as your database, you might face the challenge of managing common audit fields like createdDate, createdBy, updatedDate, and updatedBy […]
Externalizing MyBatis SQL Queries in a Spring Boot Application
As applications grow in complexity, managing SQL queries directly within the codebase can become cumbersome and error-prone. MyBatis, a popular persistence framework, offers several options for managing SQL statements in a Spring Boot application. This blog post explores how to externalize SQL queries, including the various methods supported by MyBatis for writing and organizing SQL […]
How to Extract Private Key from Java Keystore (.JKS) or .P12 File
Extracting a private key from a Java Keystore (.JKS) or a .P12 (PKCS12) file can be necessary when you need to migrate certificates, configure TLS for applications, or integrate with third-party systems. However, Java’s keytool does not support exporting private keys directly. In this guide, we will explore different methods to extract the private key […]
Getting Started with Spring Boot: A Spring Boot Setup Tutorial
Spring Boot has become the go-to framework for Java developers looking to create robust and efficient applications. This Spring Boot setup tutorial will guide you through setting up your development environment with Maven and IntelliJ, ensuring you have everything you need to start building Spring Boot projects seamlessly. This is our second article in our […]
How to Map Composite Key in Hibernate
Composite key (or Composite Primary Key) cannot be mapped directly in hibernate like how we map the normal primary key’s using @Id annotation attribute. We will have to use @Embedabble & @EmbeddedId annotation attributes to map composite key. JaCoCo Code Coverage in Springboot Applications : A Comprehensive Guide How to Password Protect a PDF File […]
How to Deploy Exploded WAR file in JBoss EAP Server
In the realm of Java EE application servers, JBoss EAP (Enterprise Application Platform) stands as a market leader. Whether you’re optimizing for development or production, understanding how to deploy applications is crucial. Among deployment formats, an ‘exploded’ WAR (Web Application Archive) file offers some advantages like hot deployment and easier debugging. In this guide, we’ll […]
How to Use JPA 2.1 in JBoss EAP 6.x
JBoss EAP 6.x is based on JEE 6. But as JPA 2.1 is part of the JEE 7 Spec, it will not be possible to directly deploy applications built using JPA 2.1 in JBoss EAP 6.x. However, with the following workaround we can make this possible. You need to include a ‘jboss-deployment-structure.xml’ with the following […]
How to Create Cron Expression for Quartz Scheduler
Quartz is one of the most widely used enterprise job scheduler in Java applications. It has got an open source .Net variant as well. As quartz makes use of Cron Expression to schedule the jobs, it’s very important that we learn to create cron expressions to meet our scheduling requirements. is one such utility […]
HTTP Redirection Configuration in JBoss
In our previous article we have explained how to configure Wildcard SSL Certificate in JBoss application server. As the next step, you will have to configure HTTP redirection so as to redirect all the incoming HTTP request’s to HTTPS to make sure your Java app is completely secured. In this article we will give you […]